Thursday, September 25, 2008

Semicolon group fun

Well the semicolon my not be the most exciting part of the English language, but we had some fun while doing this project. My group worked really well together. We met at the library twice to knock out our project. I think we all contributed equally and each person brought a good idea to the table. Its difficult planning a ten min project on something so simple, however I'm guessing that's why we get the assignment. I did learn some interesting facts about the semicolon, and now I will use it more often when writing a sentence or paper. Overall I couldn't be more happy with my group and how we worked together.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Work hard and you will Succeed

Alright, I thought all the visual's for multimodal mediums were great, but i liked the one our group was assigned to watch. Everyone should watch example one, digital film heres the link. Its a great story about a kid that started from the bottom, then worked his way up to writing greatness. Pay attention to the music part of the way throught. The video gives me confidence with some hard work put for the outcome will be worth it. This is a great example for me as well, giving myself a better idea on what my visual can look like for my visual literacy narritive.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Literacy behind bars

I chose to write about Malcolm X and his drive to better himself behind bars. I was amazed at his quest for knowledge. What myself, and many of us, sometimes takes for granted is the great schooling we're given. We are handed the tools and many other resources to learn, but Malcolm did it because he choose too. Granted he probably didn't have much else to do, but still. And he better himself and many other eventually as well.